Flight Logs: D-Orny-One-III, Part 3

Part 1Part 2 Aright, time to explain my amazing idea to get somewhere with this… I redid the tail with just wood and tested it at a bunch of different angles. That’s basically it. But I was proud of my idea to use a layer of aluminum also, to make it easier to redo the […]

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Flight Logs: D-Orny-One-III, Part 2

Part 1 here It was perhaps slightly naive of me to hope more power would be the single answer to everything. It might still be. After another 2 months I have yet to find out… My next attempt at getting the base of the pylon to not break was to completely replace the little block […]

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Flight Logs: D-Orny-One-III

My next victim has been the D-Orny-One-III ornithopter, designed by one Dan Garfinkel, as described in the Flapper Facts plans here. Since up to this point I’ve only built things following basically the same design, I learned quite a bit just through the building process this time, mostly relating to thread hinges and working with […]

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